Post by sage on Feb 9, 2010 3:01:27 GMT
" Gossip magazines are making us stupid
And Hollywood pompous dreams are leaving us cold
Pull me and push me in 'til I hear you singing
'Cause this is the real thing "
( N A M E )sage elaina clowes
( N I C K N A M E )dory
( G E N D E R )female
( A G E )seventeen!
( B I R T H D A Y )october 20th
( S E X U A L O R I E N T A T I O N )straight
( S T A T U S )single
( O C C U P A T I O N / G R A D E )photographer
( G R O U P )drop out
( H A I R )straight blonde longish hair
( E Y E S )bright blue eyes
( H E I G H T )5’4
( W E I G H T )114lbs
( D I S T I N G U I S H E D F E A T U R E S )bright blue eyes and innocent look
( P L A Y B Y )zoe kimball!
( L I K E S )
learning new languages, singing, guitar, stars, swimming, rabbits, winter, glue, popsicles, bright colors, dancing, smoking, drums, writing, stick figures, kisses, cuddles, loud noises, thunderstorms, dangerous activities, hide and seek, movie nights, sleepovers, blankets, slippers, sleep, big animals, loud music, piercing, tattoos, drawing, pranks, coffee, hello kitty, doing people’s hair, fire, computers, ice cream, phone calls, school, little kids, goofing around, sports, comic books, video games. .
( D I S L I K E S )
science experiments, history, cleaning, cooking, doing dishes, cold showers, paper work, labels, hamsters, spiders, really short hair, falling, garbage trucks, brownies, chips, slow paced movies, having to remember things, getting lost, being lied to, getting things wrong, being left behind, straightening hair, pigs, stomach aches, hospital visits, dinosaurs, germs, messes, getting wasted, rice. .
( S T R E N G T H S )
photography, writing, speeches, making new friends, finding things to do, understanding jokes, skating, creating awkward situations, snowboarding, skate boarding, making light of each situation
( W E A K N E S S E S )
understanding love, science, being mature, keeping organized, accepting death, drinking, keeping concentrated on things
( F E A R S )
seeing her father again, messing up her career, people seeing the wrong side of her, hurting someone
( S E C R E T S )
is a recovering anorexic, has never dated anyone before, only dropped out of highschool to support her sister
( P E R S O N A L I T Y )honest, friendly, sporty, tomboy, easily scared, creative, imaginative, motivated, healthy, trusting, emotional, bubbly,
( F A T H E R )ian clowes, unknown
( M O T H E R )delaney clowes, deceased
( S I B I L I N G S )rachael clowes, 14
( O T H E R )none
( P E T S )
nico, dog
( H O M E T O W N )
new york city
( A L I A S )chelle
( G E N D E R )female
( A G E )nineteen
( L O C A T I O N )ontario!
( T I M E Z O N E )est!
( O T H E R C H A R A C T E R S )arie, quinn, carissa, others
( H O W D I D Y O U F I N D U S ? )ad!
( Y E A R S R O L E P L A Y I N G )six
( P A S S W O R D )party like a rock star
( R O L E P L A Y S A M P L E )put it here, or if it has graphics and coding, post it below in a reply.